
Digitally Attested Documents

  • Bhavin Sanghvi
  • Nov 01, 2022
  • 2 min read
Digitally Attested Documents

Secure QR leads the way

The need to have verified attested document copies globally shows no sign of slowing down. Though cumbersome and expensive, the need for attestation arises to protect concerned parties against document fraud and illegal modifications. This article introduces you to digitally secure and verifiable documents, which can be attested in all their forms by anyone with ease. In this post, we outline some of the powerful tools at your disposal to help you quickly generate such documents to protect your brand, customers, reputation, etc.

At Qryptal, our focus is to provide a suite of solutions to make documents and their copies verifiable - attestable with the help of a digital seal in the form of a digitally signed, tamper-proof, verifiable secured QR code. Such documents, including their copies, become self-attestable digitally-signed documents.

Here are the means used by our users to generate and add secure QR Codes to their documents. They also integrate them seamlessly with the existing document generation tools and business processes. Here is the outline of a few such integration options.

Here is the outline of a few such integration options.


Generate Qryptal Code

Generate PDF with Qryptal Code Using TemplateQryptal Code Stamping

Qryptal Code Stamping Using Extracted Document Data
InputJSON Payload containing Text and Images and PDF documentsJSON Payload containing Text and Images along with pre- configured templatePDF FileDF/PCL File with Extractable text
OutputQryptal Code representing inputsPDF document with Qryptal Code representing inputsPDF document Stamped with Qryptal Code representing the documentPDF document Stamped with Qryptal Code representing the key extracted text
Integrations Options / Mode of UsageWeb-based user interface (Web UI): The user provides required inputs using a Web UI and downloads the output. Some options support bulk data input using CSV or Zip files for batch mode operation. API Integration: System-to-System integration with the help of Restful APIs exposed by Qryptal services

To find out more, visit our technology overview section. We offer free trial accounts to try out the secure QR code generation and validation with easy-to-use web interfaces or Restful APIs. Reach out to us at

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